
Machining capacity
Bar stock diameter at main spindle 3-20
Max. bar diameter at back spindle 20
Max. machining length 210 mm (Direct motor-driven guide bushing) 80 mm (Mechanical-driven guide bushing) 250 mm (Fixed guide bushing) 46 mm (Guide bushing-less)
Max. drilling / tapping diameter of main spindle Dia. 10 mm / M8
Deep hole drilling Dia. 8 mm
Max. drilling / tapping diameter of sub spindle Dia. 8 mm / M6
Max. drilling / tapping diameter of cross tool L side: Dia. 6 mm / M5 ; R side: Dia. 8 mm / M6
Max. drilling / tapping diameter of back tool Dia. 6 mm / M5
Max. mountable slitting saw Dia. 30 mm
Main spindle 200-12000 min-1
Back spindle 200-12000 min-1
Rotary guide bushing 200-12000 min-1 (Motor direct-drive) 200-8000 min-1 (Mechanical-drive)
Cross / Back tool 200-8000 min-1
Mountable tool number 28 (Std) / 39 (Max.)
OD tool shank 12 x 12 x 100 mm
ID tool shank Dia. 22 mm
Chuck of cross live tool L side: ER11 x 2, ER16 x 1 R side: ER16 x 2 (Opt.)
Chuck of back live tool ER16 x 4 (Opt.)
Chuck of back fixed tool ER 16
Chuck of deep hole drill ER 16
OD tool number 5
Face fixed ID tool 5
Back fixed ID tool 5
Cross live tool 4
Back live tool 4 (Fix) + 4 (Live)
Face deep drill tool 2
Rapid feed rate 30 M / min (X: 24 M / min)
Coolant pump 0.75 Kw
Lubrication pump 0.011Kw
Hydraulic pump -
Spindle cooling oil pump 0.19 Kw
Main spindle motor 2.2 / 3.7 Kw (Con. / 15 min)
Back spindle motor 1.5 / 2.2 Kw (Con. / 15 min)
Cross tool motor L side: 0.75 Kw ; R side: 1 Kw
Back tool motor 1 Kw
Direct drive rotary guide bushing 0.75 / 1.1 Kw (Con. / 10 min)
Axes motor X1, Y2, Z1, X2, Z2 - 0.5 Kw ; Y1 - 0.75 Kw
Axes travel
X1 124 mm
Y1 280 mm
Z1 290 mm
X2 340 mm
Y2 60 mm
Z2 300 mm
Machine weight 3700 Kgs
Power source requirement 14.3 KVA
Compressed air requirement ≧ 4 kg / cm2
Air consumption ≧ 30 NL / min
Coolant tank capacity 180 L
Machine size 2300 x 1400 x 2000 mm
※ 规格如有变更,恕不另行通知。

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