CNC-TAKANG actively invests in social care to give back to the society.
Actively invests in social care to give back to the society

Upholding the spirit of taking from the society and using it for the society, CNC-TAKANG takes care of internal employees and shareholders first, and also actively invests in social care to give back to the society.

Every employee of CNC-TAKANG participates in adoption activities. As a result, taking into social care can also provide a better learning environment for more families in need of assistance in the society, thereby creating more excellent repair talents to give back to the society.

Corporate Responsibility Sponsor Organization
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families
Taiwan Action Buddha SocietyHuashan social welfare foundation
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families -Taichung City Child Development
Ganlin Social Welfare FoundationTaiwan old tree rescue association
CenterTaiwan arts development association for the disabledTaiwan foundation for the blind
Chingchi women association (for charity)
Association of the deafDown syndrome foundation
New hope social welfare foundation
ROCTaiwan women and children associationMaria social welfare foundation
TaichungRotaract club Nantun charity commission

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